Local Malay Pj – Samira

Local Malay Pj – Samira

When the wind blows your hair out, I’m almost devilish: In the gleaming shawl soft hair, ask in the faint glow of the moth, in the clear water eyes, you are so beautiful! You are dressed in a fuchsia cheongsam and look far away. It is like a small butterfly flies. It is beautiful and soft. Please call 018-2796 552  to book our Samira


Local Malay Pj - Samira



 23yo 岁

164cm 公分

48kg 公斤

34C 24 35

Malaysia 马来西亚 | Local Malay | 马来正妹

RM400.00 Per Shot OR 45minutes | 一炮或45分钟

B2B, BBBJ, FJ | 波推,全身漫游,口交

 CD & Rooms Provided | 包含酒店和避孕套

 Out-call & Overnight Services Available | 提供外卖和过夜服务

***Booking: 018-2796 552 SAM (WhatsApp, SMS, Call)***

Russia Escort-Wenessa

Russia Escort-Wenessa

Like the sweet roots hidden in the earth, all your noble virtues are sprouted by this humble root. You are a pine tree with mountains, and there are storms and anger; you are deep mountains and rivers. Your integrity, kindness, simplicity, and fortitude are blazing sparks on the anvil of my heart.Please call 018-2796 552  to book our Russia Escort-Wenessa


Russia Escort-Wenessa

KL PJ Escort girl | Subang Escort | Sunway Escort | Shah Alam Escort |

Name: Wenessa

Age: 23yo

Height: 164cm

Weight: 48kg

Body: 34D 24 34

Nationality: Russia

Price 1: RM470 (1Shot OR 45minutes)

(Hotel room and condom are included for incall service)

 ***Booking: 018-2796 552 SAM (WhatsApp, SMS, Call)***

PJ Escort Korean -Yina

PJ Escort Korean -Yina

The princess in my heart, you are a dragon and a phoenix, noble and elegant, decent and decent,aside from her great and impressive modeling skills, you too could enjoy an ultimate. fresh nice!she was second primary school student and finish study then come out earn money. with both beauty and wisdom, heroism and kindness in one. Please call 018-2796 552  to book our Yina



PJ Escort Korean -Yina

KL PJ Escort girl | Subang Escort | Sunway Escort | Shah Alam Escort |

Name: Yina

Age: 23yo

Height: 161cm

Weight: 47kg

Body: 34C 24 35

Nationality: Korean

Price 1: RM350 (1Shot OR 45minutes)

Price 2: RM700 (2shots OR 2hours)

(Hotel room and condom are included for incall service)

 ***Booking: 018-2796 552 SAM (WhatsApp, SMS, Call)***

Jenny – Sunway Escort Girl

Jenny – Sunway Escort Girl

你认为……怎么样?”征求她的意见——大到买车买房,小到该穿什么衣服,都可以征求她的意见。这样做,让她知道她的意见对你来说非常重要。what do you think? “Seek her advice—when you buy a car to buy a house, or just to wear something, you can ask her for advice. ives life to the fullest. Is energetic, keeps herself fit and works out regularly at the gym. Is sassy.To do this, let her know that her opinion is very important to you. Please call 018-2796 552  to book our Jenny

Jenny – Sunway Escort Girl

KL PJ Escort girl | Subang Escort | Sunway Escort | Shah Alam Escort |

Jenny – Sunway Escort Girl

Name 名字 : JENNY
Age 年龄 : 21yo 岁
Height 身高 : 165cm 公分
Weight 体重 : 47kg 公斤

Body 三围 : 36D-24-34 
Country 国籍 : Thanland 泰国
Service 服务 : B2B,BBBJ,FJ 波推,全身漫游,​口交

Price收费 :  Incall Package (价钱) 1 : RM220 (1shot 45 mins)
                    Incall Package (价钱) 2 : RM440 (2shot 90 mins)

**Room & Condom Provided**

***Booking: 018-2796 552 SAM (WhatsApp, SMS, Call)***

Escort Girl – Xiao Jing

Escort Girl – Xiao Jing

Although you always say that you are dull,I’m into most things including anal sex obviously, but also many other things. I love the feeling of a man cuming. I think you are beautiful. Maybe people really say that “the lover’s eyes are out of the West”, love is a miracle, a moment of love, a moment of delicacy; a lifetime of love, a vivid person. Then let us love each other forever! Please call 018-2796 552  to book our Xiao Jing


Escort Girl - Xiao Jing

KL Escort Girl | China Escort Girl | 中国美媚
小静 Xiao Jing
22yo 岁
164cm 公分
47kg 公斤
36C 24 34
China | 中国
RM300.00 Per Shot OR 45minutes | 一炮或45分钟
B2B, BBBJ, FJ | 波推,全身漫游,​口交,按摩、波推、过水、全身漫游、口灌、毒龙钻、老汉推车、冰火两重天、69式、口爆、猛虎下山、莞式一条龙服务。
CD & Rooms Provided | 包含酒店和避孕套
Out-call & Overnight Services Available | 提供外卖和过夜服务

***Booking: 018-2796 552 SAM (WhatsApp, SMS, Call)***

Pj local Chinese-Melisa

Pj local Chinese-Melisa

Women do not want to get any returns from society. They use a broad mind to embrace all this injustice. When you get along with a middle-aged woman, it seems she has written some vicissitudes of life on her face,Dazzling with silky soft skin and twinkling black eyes. Is quite a barbie doll and knows to walk the talk. but you will experience a beauty you have never experienced before. Please call 018-2796 552  to book our Melisa



Pj local Chinese-MelisaPj local Chinese-Melisa



 21yo 岁

166cm 公分

47kg 公斤

34D 24 34

Malaysia 马来西亚 | Local Chinese

RM350.00 Per Shot OR 45minutes | 一炮或45分钟

B2B, BBBJ, FJ | 波推,全身漫游,口交

 CD & Rooms Provided | 包含酒店和避孕套

 Out-call & Overnight Services Available | 提供外卖和过夜服务

***Booking: 018-2796 552 SAM (WhatsApp, SMS, Call)***



escort girl pj-keke

escort girl pj-keke

Dewdrops, quivering on top of the youthful lotus leaf, are transparent, subtle and independent. You,you must try out taiwan baby, she shy she hot you cant imagine the skill she do for you. like this exquisitely loaded lotus, crystal affable,she’s one of the top choice models so if you think that she’s the right girl for you. purify my heart. And if you’d like to receive anal sex let me know as I’ll bring my strap-on and peg your ass too! We can take turns if you want! Please call 018-2796 552  to book our keke


escort girl pj-keke escort girl pj-keke

KL PJ Escort girl | Subang Escort | Sunway Escort | Shah Alam Escort |

Name: Keke

Age: 22yo

Height: 158cm

Weight: 44kg

Body: 33C 24 34

Nationality: Taiwan

Price 1: RM350 (1Shot OR 45minutes)

Price 2: RM700 (2shots OR 2hours)

(Hotel room and condom are included for incall service)

 ***Booking: 018-2796 552 SAM (WhatsApp, SMS, Call)***

Japan Escort-Sanyo

Japan Escort-Sanyo

The angels registered the beautiful women on the world and sent them to God for reading. After seeing God, he told them to send an SMS message to the most kind, capable, intelligent, and beautiful woman! Let her be young and happy forever! Fxck her as many times as you can, so you never have regret in your life!. Please call 018-2796 552  to book our Sanyo


Japan Escort-Sanyo

KL PJ Escort girl | Subang Escort | Sunway Escort | Shah Alam Escort |

Japan Escort-Sanyo
Name : Sanyo
Age : 22yo
Body : 34C-24-34 | 163cm | 47kg
Country : Japan
Venue : Petaling Jaya
Incall Package 1 : RM350 (1shot within 45 minutes)
Incall Package 2 : RM700 (2shot)

(Hotel room and condom are included for incall service)

***Booking: 018-2796 552 SAM (WhatsApp, SMS, Call)***

Korean Escort-Hoi Jin

Korean Escort-Hoi Jin

When the wind blows dry–your distribution, I’m almost devilish: in the gleaming shawl soft hair, in the faint glow of the moustache, in the clear water eyes… you are so beautiful and pleasant.style which makes you feel like making love with girlfriend! Believe me, the only problem you’re gonna have, is that you didn’t find her more Please call 018-2796 552  to book our Hoi Jin

在风吹干-你的散发时,我简直着魔了:在闪闪发光的披肩柔发中,在淡淡入鬓的蛾眉问,在碧水漓漓的眼睛里……你竟是如此美丽可人细嫩的双手抚摸哥哥全身上下 挑动你感官神经!


Korean Escort-Hoi Jin

KL PJ Escort girl | Subang Escort | Sunway Escort | Shah Alam Escort |

Name: Hoi Jin

Age: 22yo

Height: 158cm

Weight: 50kg

Body: 34C 24 3$

Nationality: Korean

Price 1: RM350 (1Shot OR 45minutes)

Price 2: RM700 (2shots OR 90minutes)

(Hotel room and condom are included for incall service)

 ***Booking: 018-2796 552 SAM (WhatsApp, SMS, Call)***

Hong Kong Escort-Rou Rou

Hong Kong Escort-Rou Rou

Your graceful grace, graceful and pretty appearance, charming and decent manners, elegant and generous conversation, made me stand out from the beginning. With all her charm and grace she will put a spring in your step and will leave you wondering if all girls next door are as wonderful and passionate as her. Please call 018-2796 552  to book our Rou Rou



KL PJ Escort girl | Subang Escort | Sunway Escort | Shah Alam Escort |

Name: Rou Rou

Age: 24yo

Height: 162cm

Weight: 45kg

Body: 34C 24 34

Nationality: Hong Kong

Price 1: RM350 (1Shot OR 45minutes)

Price 2: RM700 (2shots OR 2hours)

(Hotel room and condom are included for incall service)

 ***Booking: 018-2796 552 SAM (WhatsApp, SMS, Call)***